MicroDia 2024

MICRODIA is an initiative designed to highlight the advancements and technological capabilities of microscopy in Portugal, particularly targeting high school students by showcasing Optical and/or Electronic Microscopy Platforms. The initiative will feature a variety of engaging activities, including hands-on experiences.

Several institutions have come together to support this initiative, including the Champalimaud Foundation (ABBE), the Institute of Innovation and Research in Health (IBMC & INEB), the Institute of Molecular Medicine, the Gulbenkian Institute of Science, Instituto Superior Técnico de Lisboa (iBB), the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (NBI & AEMIS), the University of Beira Interior (CICS-UBI), the University of Aveiro (iBiMED), the University of Coimbra (CNC-MICC & FMUC), the University of Lisbon (FCUL), the University of Algarve (ABCRi), the University of Minho (ICVS), and the New University of Lisbon (ITQB & NMS).