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iLAB Microscopy and Bioimaging Laboratory

The Bioimaging Facility is a state of the art technological platform managed by the University of Coimbra that combines two imaging facilities: the iLAB and the LMOA. The ILAB facility is equipped with optical and electron microscopes (TEM and SEM), and the LMOA facility is equipped with a high-end dual confocal and multiphoton systems dedicated to in vitro and intravital imaging.

The Bioimaging Facility provides technical and scientific support for research projects in the Health and Life Sciences field, from sample preparation to image analysis, open to the scientific/academic community and industries.


Henrique Girão

Henrique Girão

Head and Coordinator

Teresa Ribeiro-Rodrigues

Teresa Ribeiro-Rodrigues

Facility Manager


Offered Technologies


Job Shadowing